More and more patients and medical experts are open to integrate alternative medical techniques and skin treatment methods to optimize results and ensure quick recovery for patients. There are a number of therapies that have grown to become extremely popular and well advocated among patients and healthcare service providers. A number of alternative therapies in the form of acupressure and massage therapies for example are commonly implemented in cancer and the treatment of diseases related to the skin.
Here is a quick guide to some of the most popular alternative treatment methods
1. Acupuncture
This science is believed to have emerged over 2 millennia ago in China. Today, it has become extremely popular all over the world especially in the west. A licensed practitioner makes use of tiny needles which are much finer than used for shots and blood tests; and inserts them into relevant points of the human body along the “meridians”.
In spite of the nature of this treatment, it is known not to cause any pain or bleeding. While western medical researchers are still trying to figure out how this science works, it has been effective in relieving the patients of a number of types of pains, frequent spells of nausea, asthma, high blood pressure and skin disorders.
2. Meditation
An extremely common practice in a number of religions that have emerged from the east, the process of meditation is in reality a therapy for the mind and the body. This process expected individuals to consciously focus on calming one’s own mind with an aim to bring the body into a relaxed state.
Study has proven that certain areas of the human brain activate on meditation, which further help facilitate the calming effect on the entire nervous system. Meditation is a proven technique to relieve oneself of stress; enhance immunity, improve skin condition maintain a positive state of mind.
3. Yoga
Conceived in India, yoga is an effective blend of meditation, breathing techniques, concentration and stretching for the maintenance of health. The tougher poses, known as asanas, help strengthen various aspects of one’s body and in spite of its complex nature can be easily adapted by almost any one irrespective of their level of fitness.
There are a number of orthopaedic and skin desorder centres which chose to integrate the practice of yoga into their program for faster recovery and quicker mobility of the patient. There have been a number of studies that have proven time and again the benefit of yoga in reducing the heart rate, lowering the blood pressure, relieving oneself of pain and decreasing anxiety of any form.
In addition to this, there are a range of other therapies in the form of biofeedback – an electronic monitoring device which helps the patient understand ones owns body and its requirements in the form of treatment modalities.
Additionally, there are a number of other medical treatments such as homeopathy and Ayurveda which follow its own unique philosophy in medicine. Speak to a medical professional before you choose to pursue any one of these treatments or therapies to ensure appropriate guidance and application of methods.